Friday, August 5, 2011

All About Wisdom

"For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord" Proverbs 8:35 NKJV 
Seeking wisdom brings life and favor. Wisdom is prudence, an understanding heart, truth, righteousness, knowledge, discretion, strength, and justice. Wisdom brings riches, honor, and wealth.
"But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death." Proverbs 8:36 NKJV
Contrary to wisdom is wickedness, crooked and perverse things, evil, pride, arrogance, ignorance, and death. Wisdom is better than silver, gold, rubies, and the things that we desire. 
 I'm learning how to seek after God's heart and seek after wisdom instead of pursuing comfort and security. The things this world says are important are meaningless. I want to desire the things that God has for me. I want to put aside my selfish ambition and live for Christ. My heavenly Father has remained faithful and true to His word. I find strength, compassion, love, and favor with the Lord. His ways are better than my ways because He knows the beginning from the end and He promised never to forsake me. I'm standing firm on His word because it never returns void!  
Our heavenly Father has us in the palm of His hand, close to His heart. His economy is greater than this country's economy. He has all of the resources to make our dreams come true, to provide for our families, and to guide us down the right paths. I trust in Him more than the world. He has so much more to offer us than society. Put aside worldly desires and clothe yourself in godly wisdom and righteousness. We can boldly approach the throne of grace because we are washed clean by the blood of Christ. We have been redeemed, not because we do the right things all the time, but because He loves us. Remember He loved us first, while we were yet sinners. We are saved by faith, empowered by grace, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. I pray the fire of Holy Spirit fill you and encourage you to step out in faith today. Honor Jesus' sacrifice for you by helping someone who doesn't deserve it. I pray for discernment so you can see how far someone has come instead of seeing where they are. I pray for strength so you can stand up for Jesus and be witness of His love for humanity. I pray that your purpose in Christ is revealed, that you may glorify Him with your life and find contentment.
"What I'm trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself." Luke 12:29-31 The Message

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Cookbook and Ministry

When I first started writing a cookbook, I was just going to do an organic cookbook. Over time, this project has developed into part of my ministry. I've become very passionate about several things; health, organics, gmo's, fair trade, and God. When I was talking about my ministry with my mentor, who is awesome by the way, I was explaining what was on my heart. I want to reach out to others and teach them about eating to support the body that God gave them, which will strengthen their bodies so that they can have the best possible impact on the kingdom. We can take care of the bodies that God gave us in such a way that brings Him glory and enables us to take the gospel to the lost and hurting in the world.

 I posed this question to my mentor, “How do I start a ministry like that?” She replied, “You are already doing something about it, just keep doing what you are doing and God will open the doors for you when the time is right.” The more I thought about what she said, the more I began to understand what that meant for me. That got me thinking about my cookbook and then inspiration hit! I was going to use my cookbook as my platform for reaching others! I started to rethink the format from being “just” a cookbook, to a book that can inspire others to live a life dedicated to God. Most Christian books focus on the spirit and on certain behaviors or sins. There aren't many books that focus on health and wellness from a God perspective; that the way we take care of our bodies is a testimony, good or bad, to others about how we feel about ourselves and God.

 I desire to teach others not just how to love God, but to love themselves and to see themselves as God sees them - perfect creations worthy of love. It is my opinion that people use food as medication, eating emotionally, and thinking that they aren't worth the trouble to take the time to be careful about food choices. It's so easy to focus on others and neglect ourselves. When we don't love ourselves or see ourselves through God's eyes, we are diminishing the capacity for the effectiveness of our ministry. I had to learn how to love me and how to see me the way God does. That perspective really changed me and my outlook on life and how I see others as well. See, eating healthy doesn't have to be motivated by vanity, eating healthy should be motivated by love for self, others and for God. It's okay to love yourself, vanity comes when you exalt yourself above everyone else. 

 We were all created to be unique. Instead of focusing on our imperfections as negative, we should rejoice in our differences and love the fact that we are different. Each of us has something to offer the kingdom of God, God made us different so we can bring our uniqueness to the table and make the body of Christ whole. If we were all bringing something to a potluck dinner and everyone brought dessert, what would we eat for dinner? If everyone's strength was evangelism, who would be there to pastor, to teach, to lead, to serve, to minister, etc. We each have a role in the church, we each have a gifting, and we have strengths and weaknesses that are used for God's glory not our own.

I am writing an organic cookbook with a focus on God and I want to teach others about issues that surround food; slavery, genetically modified organisms, and society's impact on women.