I was introduced to the A21 Campaign , http://www.thea21campaign.org/, a couple of years ago, by it's founder, Christine Caine. She spoke at the women's conference, that is held by my church every year, called Shine, http://www.shineinc.org/. Christine Caine lives in Australia and she is one of the most dynamic and passionate speakers I've ever heard. Her passion is Jesus Christ, and her heart is drawn to the hurting and enslaved women and children around the world. My church, Celebration Church, supports so many wonderful organizations and I wanted to be involved in one. I prayed and asked God what can I do? At the Shine conference this year, Christine Caine was there talking about the A21 Campaign again. I knew that I needed to get involved somehow. My church hosted the Be Her Freedom Run in November of 2009. I walked the 4.7 miles but I came in last. The run is coming up again this fall, and I really wanted to be able to run this time, and not come in last! The opportunity came up to join with a group of people from my church to train for the run. I jumped at the chance to do it! The group is called The Malinka Project, and we are raising money for the A21 campaign and training to run the 4.7 miles this fall. Also as a supporter of the A21 campaign, another way that I make a difference is by fasting and praying on the 21st of each month. This is the website for more information: http://fast21.org/
There are so many good organizations out there fighting modern day slavery. I've been following an organization called Shoe Revolt, http://www.shoerevolt.com/ . Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the celebrities that has donated shoes to this organization. The grand opening is August 1st, 2010. " Shoe Revolt’s profits, generated from the sale of shoes, will be donated to Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS), fund transitional housing, create scholarship opportunities and provide much needed mentoring and support for victims."
Sex-trafficking isn't the only kind of slavery out there. Slaves are forced to work in a variety of industries such as clothing and farming. Stop Traffick Fashion is a good site for buying jewelry and clothes made by survivors of human trafficking, http://www.stoptraffickfashion.com/ . The Organic Consumers Association supports Fair Trade, http://www.organicconsumers.org/fairtrade.cfm , which raises awareness for slavery of and abuse of farm workers. This is one of the reasons why I started buying organic food.
The links that I've posted will take you to websites that can give you information to the social injustice around the world. These types of things don't just happen in other countries, but they are occurring in the United States and every country around the world. The purchases you make, whether for food, clothing, and other products help fund the companies that take advantage of and enslave human beings. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is a crime that condemns others to live the life of a slave.
This is amazing Libby. I am thrilled and so proud of you.